Reviews in Armavir

18 Reviews


Thank you very much for the timely delivery of flowers to Armavir. They worked well! If I still need such services, I will contact only you!


The recipient really liked the bouquet, and I really liked your work, from placing an order to accompanying it and handing it over :) Please pass on a big thank you to all your employees!


My people in Armavir are very bored when I have to leave for work for a long time ... I found a great solution to cheer them up - flowers from With this you, I really am always next to my family!


We are not spoiled for service here, I want to tell you. But is a great company, everything seems to be not for other people's uncles and aunts, but as they do for themselves - quickly and conscientiously;)


I will be back and recommend to friends. Flowers are wonderful! Thanks for the service, they delivered to Armavir quickly, there were no problems.


We discovered the service - it helps a lot to please loved ones, regardless of any distance! My sister and her husband moved to another city, we rarely see each other very often. I miss you incredibly. But now we make each other happy with your help!


They helped me a lot with flowers in Armavir, thank you! Your operators in the call center paid a lot of attention to my call, explained everything to the point and patiently listened to my wishes.


We needed a basket of flowers, they made it to the agreed time and the price pleased! Competent approach of specialists in your company. Thank you, pleased with their performance.


The recipients liked everything in Armavir, especially me. You are a very hardworking company, I highly appreciate you for this, everything is always top notch! Respected, fulfilled their obligations with a bang!


Thank you for your excellent service, the delivery was in the best possible way. I really liked the work of your florists. The bouquet was decorated very elegantly and unusually.

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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