Reviews in Aviagorodok

4 Reviews


The bouquet was ordered for yesterday, in Aviagorodok. Suddenly it turns out that the recipient will not be at the delivery location! I am in a panic changing the place and time of delivery. Well done, delivered on time, thank you very much!


We informed in advance that there were no pink roses of the same shade, as a result, the bouquet was slightly changed. The result exceeded all expectations - even better than in the photo!


You bring not just bouquets or baskets of flowers, you bring people the love of their loved ones, connecting hearts no matter how far they are! Thank you, dear!


The girl went to her mother in Aviagorodok for the weekend, I miss her very much. Where to go, I will order flowers for her and my future mother-in-law, maybe they will invite me to stay;)

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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