The mixed bouquet is spreading. Orchid, peony spray roses, white roses, Midland pink carnation, standart

The mixed bouquet is spreading. Orchid, peony spray roses, white roses, Midland pink carnation

12 339
Free of charge
The bouquet selection depends on the city: Novosibirsk
12 339
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
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Quality assured

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.

Bouquet composition
2 pc.
1 pc.
4 pc.
Veronica bush
1 pc.
pink carnation
3 pc.

Bouquet description

If you were looking for a light, delicate bouquet that did not evoke naivety and a feeling of childishness, you found it. Orchid, spray roses, lacy eustoma and eucalyptus branches balance each other, there is no excess of childish charm, but there is adult delicacy and elegance. The gift will tell you with what trepidation and care you treat the recipient and how much you value her individuality. A beautiful bouquet can be presented to your mother, sister, colleague, daughter. The most popular gift is, of course, a bouquet decorated in a beautiful design. In addition, we will be happy to put together any bouquet within the desired budget; a wide range will help you find the perfect option for any occasion you celebrate - be it an anniversary or a birthday)

Popular categories

The mixed bouquet is spreading. Orchid, peony spray roses, white roses, Midland pink carnation
12 339

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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