Bouquet of 25 burgundy roses, standart

Bouquet of 25 burgundy roses

15 519
Free of charge
The bouquet selection depends on the city: Orenburg
15 519
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Quality assured

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.

Bouquet composition
1 pc.
Pink Ecuadorian rose 70 cm
25 pc.

Bouquet description

25 burgundy roses tied with a satin ribbon, this is the most fashionable and desirable bouquet. Every lady dreams of this. The bouquet will appeal to a brave and bright woman Care Tips Cut the stems of the flowers with a knife or secateurs by 0.5-1 cm and place in a vase with cool water. Make sure all flower stems are submerged in water. If possible, change the water in the vase daily. It is advisable to trim the flower stems a little. If you have added cut flower food (e.g. Chrysal) to the water, it is recommended to change the water the next time after two days. Do not place the bouquet in the sun and near heating appliances.

Popular categories

Bouquet of 25 burgundy roses
15 519

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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