Reviews in Volgograd

172 Reviews


Thank you for giving the most important thing to people - smiles! We needed a bouquet in Volgograd, but with delivery. I turned to and did not lose! Positive emotions are guaranteed!


Dedicate poems to a woman, or give flowers? If the children's passion for poetry helps with the first, then will help with the second! They will bring it quickly, they will write a poem in a postcard. Recommend to all romantics!


Helped out a lot with flowers in Volgograd. I could not come to the anniversaries myself, I ordered from you. And you did it 100%! I highly recommend this service guys. You will never regret!


Your bouquets are a great gift solution if the recipient lives in another city! I have used your services several times and have been happy with everything. I advise everyone.


No cons, just thanks! Helped congratulate the older generation in Volgograd on their wedding anniversary! The flowers seen in the photos from the recipients are very beautiful.


What a blessing to have stumbled upon your service! I don’t know what I would do without you this year, when it’s not a very sensible idea to come to grandparents, mothers and aunts for birthdays ... Thank you,, for fast deliveries and wonderful bouquets!


I had to congratulate my sister in Volgograd on her birthday. The choice fell on you, on the advice of friends. And we are absolutely delighted! Now we ourselves will turn into those friends-advisers! Take regular customers to the club;)


We meet your couriers now as dear friends, it’s very easy to get used to the good;) Several times I ordered a bouquet for a girl through your service, the service is always at its best.


You are masters of your craft, provide quality service, regardless of the place of delivery of bouquets. For the first time I ordered to Volgograd, I was worried that everything would go well. And everything went even better than I expected: both delivery and execution were superb.


Pleased with the price range. It is not always appropriate (or not possible) to give a chic bouquet. And you have many budget options. At the same time very cute! Flower delivery that is really affordable. Thank you for this!

Contact us
street 7-aya Gvardeiskaya 11b
Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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