Reviews in Zarubino

4 Reviews


The bouquet delighted the recipient with its beauty for a long time! Delivered to Zarubino without delay, the courier explained how to care for the bouquet so that it would last longer. I will continue to use your services!


It is very convenient that you deliver all over the country, now I can congratulate my relatives everywhere without traveling around the regions - the family is very large. It's simple: I chose, ordered, got a lot of pleasure from how cool you are and didn't forget about anyone;)


I want to thank you for the wonderful bouquet you delivered to my sister. They also sent a delivery report with a photo in it. And I know for sure that everything is at the highest level, because I saw the result with my own eyes;)


Bouquets of excellent quality! Everything is fresh, smell nice for the whole house now. By the way, your flowers have been standing for a very long time, delighting the whole family of recipients in Zarubino for the second week already.

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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