Bouquet of 7 yellow roses, standart

Bouquet of 7 yellow roses

2 899
Free of charge
The bouquet selection depends on the city: Ekaterinburg
2 899
We accept bank cards of any countries for payment:
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Quality assured

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.

Bouquet composition
1 pc.
Ecuadorian rose 50 cm
7 pc.

Bouquet description

A bright and beautiful bouquet of yellow roses will become a symbol of change for the better. In many cultures, yellow roses can be given as a sign of joy, happiness, fun, respect, friendship, reconciliation, mature relationships, and wealth.

Popular categories

Bouquet of 7 yellow roses
2 899

Delivery in other cities

Contact us
street Elizavetinskoe highway d.28 of.104
[email protected]
Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
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