Duo bouquet of peony roses and chrysanthemums, standart

Duo bouquet of peony roses and chrysanthemums

6 425
Free of charge
The bouquet selection depends on the city: Krasnodar
6 425
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Quality assured

If the recipient won't like the bouquet and you will inform us of that matter within 24 hours, the bouquet will be replaced free of charge.

Bouquet composition
Designer packaging
1 pc.
Chrysanthemum bush
3 pc.
peony shrub rose
2 pc.

Bouquet description

A bouquet with a juicy and bright composition, including spray chrysanthemum and spray peony rose, is presented in a stylish designer package. The spray chrysanthemum brings freshness and lightness to the bouquet with its delicate petals of various shades, and the spray peony rose adds luxury and sophistication with its voluminous and densely double flowers. The combination of these colors allows you to create a bouquet that will have a bright and memorable look and is perfect for any occasion. Designer packaging will add even more sophistication to the bouquet and emphasize its beauty and uniqueness. Bouquet composition: Juliet peony spray rose - 2 pcs., Spray chrysanthemum - 3 pcs., designer packaging.

Duo bouquet of peony roses and chrysanthemums
6 425

Delivery in other cities

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Almaly district, Auezov street, building 5, 173, postal code 050000
TOO "Florist.kz"
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